Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Want to be intelligent and average or creative and successful?

Article from the 48 days newsletter. WOW! Does it ring a bell? It definitely resonates with me... 

Studies over the last 50 years show children increasing in IQ. But since 1990, scores of creativity have gone down. Our children, and adults, are becoming less creative.

The accepted definition of creativity is production of something original and useful. Too much TV, video games and time indoors can be blamed. But standardized tests and the push to accumulate facts have added to the decline.

As adults, creativity will open opportunities more than intelligence. The average GPA of decamillionaires in America is 2.7. A 4.0 GPA can lead to very common jobs and careers. A lower IQ may allow for a more authentic and successful career path.

Here are some things we can do as adults to kill or increase our creativity.

Ways to kill creativity and idea generation:

1. Wallowing in self-pity

2. Blaming others

3. Giving up on dreams

4. Overreacting to criticism

5. Underestimating your opportunities

Ways to increase creativity:

1. Laugh out loud every day

2. Break familiar routines

3. Say to yourself, "I can do this."

4. Set aside 15 minutes daily for "thinking."

5. Read one non-fiction book a month

"A lot of what we think of as neurosis in this country is simply people who are unhappy because they�re not using their creative resources." Julia Cameron (The Artist's Way)

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