Friday, August 27, 2010

"I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure"

From the 48days newsletter:

don't know of anything that can cripple hope and the possibility of success more than indecision.

I get rather impatient with some people when the mortgage is due, the children are hungry and the lights are about to be cut off and they are still just praying about what to do. I know what to do; quit hiding behind your pious excuse for inactivity - and start moving.

"Indecision and delays are the parents of failure." - George Canning, English statesman

One of Zig Ziglar's famous stories is of a childhood neighbor lady who pulled some biscuits out of the oven that were no thicker than silver dollars. When little Zig asked what happened, the cook laughed and said, "Well, those biscuits squatted to rise, but they just got cooked in the squat."

I see people who have gotten "cooked in the squat." They are going to do something just as soon as they gather all the necessary information. But weeks, months and then years slip by. Protected in the safety of gathering more information they miss new opportunities all together. A client told me he had gone to work at the local bank - just as a temporary position until he could do a little research about which career field to really pursue. Guess what? That was 17 years ago and he's still at the bank. The acceptable illusion of still getting ready robbed him of 17 years of his life.

When do you have enough knowledge to start something new? When you decide to take action! The baby eagle learns how to fly as he is heading straight toward the rocks below, not while sitting on the edge of the nest. The business owner learns while hiring, buying, and making mistakes more than while sitting in a classroom. The unemployed person approaches success while knocking on doors, making phone calls, and getting repeated rejections, not while scanning the Internet and reading textbooks.

"There is no more miserable human being than the one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision." William James

Don't get "cooked in the squat." It will cripple you!

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